25 May 2011

Face the book why don'tchya?

Facebook and Internet chat may be closing us off from the physical world, but, it is my belief (now) that it also opens up a new world of communication never before experienced. Who is it that thrives in internet chat-rooms? Why people that can't express themselves in the face-to-face. A whole new avenue/ niche has been opened and created for human interaction. It is not my belief, however, that we are all meant to communicate over this medium (interneters have essentially developed their own language). We need to maintain our roots to the physical/natural world in order to stay grounded.

There's a lot of shit to do in this world and (luckily there are) lots of people to do it.
There's a lot of shit to enjoy in this world and (luckily there are) lots of people to enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, ES, I like your perspective. Grounding is good, a checking in with the Earth soul.
